How to Choose The Thickness of The Refrigeration Panel for a Cold Storage Room?

Well it’s not a difficult case to choose and when you’re getting quote by us you don’t have to choose after giving all details but here is a guide article for this!
It can be said that in order to maintain an adequate temperature and reduce energy consumption in cold rooms, it is important to choose the correct thickness of refrigeration panels, as these rooms tend to consume large amounts of energy.
Prefabricated refrigeration panels are the most common method used to build cold rooms. Compared to traditional insulation methods, they have several advantages, such as quick assembly, easy maintenance, and reduced installation costs. These panels consist of two steel sheets with injected polyurethane foam, resulting in a uniform, lightweight, and highly versatile end product.
When choosing a refrigeration panel for cold rooms, it is important to consider the level of thermal insulation and air tightness required to select the appropriate thickness. The thickness can range from 80mm to 200mm, and the choice will depend on the budget availability and cooling needs of the project at hand.
Cold Rooms For Chilling (-5°/+15°)
For cold rooms that are used to store food or maintain controlled temperatures without the need for a high level of insulation, thicknesses from 50 to 80mm is usually recommended for both the ceiling/roof and the wall/facade.”
Cold Rooms For Freezing (-15°/-25°)
If controlled temperatures below -10°C to -20°C are required and a high level of insulation is needed, it is usually recommended to install refrigeration panels with a thickness ranging from 100mm to 150mm.
Cold Rooms For Blast Freezing (-40°)
For refrigeration systems where temperatures below -30°C need to be maintained, such as laboratories or ultra-freezing of meat or fish, a thickness of between 150mm and 200mm is usually recommended for refrigeration panels.
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