Cold Room Doors

The best solutions for the food sector, although they are also valid for those industries that need to keep cold stores between 0ºC (32F) and -40ºC (-40F). Our doors for cold storage, sliding, swing, roll-up, high speed or vertical lift, are the ideal solution for your installation. The excellent thermal insulation and water tightness of the PIR are combined in a product specially designed to maintain optimum functional, climatic, hygienic and sanitary qualities.

Sliding cold storage doors are designed for negative temperature controlled environments, down to minus 40° C, as we need in laboratories, clinics, restaurants or food industries.
It has excellent fire performance and great thermal insulation. It is resistant to chemicals, which prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria inside the cold rooms.
It can be manual or automatic. Both options include the energy efficiency of the automatic. 2 × 3 doors consume about 10 60W bulbs at full power, which means less than € 500 per year.

Swing or hinged door for cold storage are specially designed for negative temperature controlled environments, for use in cold rooms (+ 0 °), freezing rooms (-20 °) and freezing tunnels (-40 °).
Unlike the competition, our swing refrigerated door can be opened by turning the handle, pulling or pushing. This system helps the daily work in the warehouse. On the other hand, thanks to its finish, the paint does not corrode or skip. In addition, it is resistant to scratches and scuffs, chemicals, high levels of humidity and cleaning products. Something essential to solve one of the problems that industries face: the wear of the door due to corrosion.

It works as a single wing with the principle of opening 180c in both directions and always open in service and operation transitions. Single-leaf doors can be produced from 70×170 cm to 100×250 cm clear passage. It is manufactured using special materials in accordance with European standards and provides a long-term guarantee of use.
It works as double wings with the principle of opening to the right and left in service and operation transitions. These are the doors that can be opened 180 c wings in both directions and can always stay open when necessary. Double-wing doors can be produced up to 200×250 cm clear passage. It is manufactured using special materials in accordance with European standards and provides a long-term guarantee of use.
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